
Arti dan Fungsi Keluarga Besar

Arti dan Fungsi Keluarga Besar –  Keluarga Besar adalah kesatuan keluarga yang meliputi keluarga inti dan kerabat lainnya seperti bibi, paman, dan kakek nenek. Namun keluarga besar lebih dari sekedar daftar kerabat. Memahami struktur keluarga besar dan apa yang membuat keluarga besar terlihat seperti sebuah unit keluarga akan memberi Anda pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang struktur keluarga.

Arti dan Fungsi Keluarga Besar

dodingtonfamily – Apa yang dimaksud dengan keluarga besar? Keluarga besar juga bisa disebut keluarga kompleks, keluarga gabungan, atau keluarga besar. In most cultures, the “core” of the family is the immediate family, parents and their children, while additional relatives are considered the “extended family.” This type of family unit has many relatives or close friends in addition to the parents and their children who live in the same household or maintain close relationships and take on responsibilities for the household. The main characteristic of an extended family is that there are many adults in the family who are not the parents of the children, although they may also have family roles such as parents and share the responsibility of providing for the entire family, either by contributing financially or in other ways. These extended family members may include aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives.

Modified Extended Family Definition
Thanks to technology, family members who live far apart can now easily help care for family members far from where they live. A modified extended family, or extended family, includes family members who do not live in the same household, or even in the same area, but who nevertheless have close relationships with each other. This type of extended family may include one or more members who regularly send money to each other.


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Extended Family Members
In most modern extended families, only one married couple per generation lives in the household, although there are many examples of married couples and their children living together. Younger couples without children may also continue to live as part of an extended family until they have children of their own and are better able to move out on their own. Every extended family can be different, and close relatives or kin who are part of a multigenerational family in addition to the parents and their children (whether biological, adopted, or foster) may include:

  • Grandparents
  • Great-grandparents
  • Aunts
  • Uncles
  • Cousins ​​
  • Nieces
  • Nephews
  • In-laws
  • Close friends
  • Close co-workers

Roles of Extended Family Members
No matter who is in the extended family, there is often only one head of the household for a group of families living together. Depending on the size of the family and the roles each member plays, the leader may be the oldest, most senior, or most prominent family member who makes a significant contribution to the family’s finances. Another way to determine the head of the family is to look at which home it started in; a young couple living in their parents’ home will see the older generation as the head of the family, while a grandparent moving in with their son or daughter will see their child as the head of the family.


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Why Extended Families Exist
Extended families are the basic family unit and are quite common in southern and eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific Islands, and Latin America, but are less common in western Europe and North America. The reasons why extended families are so prominent vary, and some factors are cultural; for example, it may be considered inappropriate for adult children to leave their parents’ home until they have children of their own. Some families may have several adult children still living at home, who provide role models for younger siblings in a similar way to their parents. Other reasons why extended families thrive include:

Economics: With more adults living as part of the same family unit, the entire family may be in a better financial situation with more individuals contributing to the cost of living. Banyak anggota keluarga yang dapat mengasuh anak kecil dalam program ini dengan membayar biaya penitipan anak.
Kesehatan: Jika orang yang lebih tua dalam keluarga membutuhkan perawatan terus-menerus, orang tersebut akan tinggal bersama anak-anaknya dan kerabat lainnya. Berbeda dengan home care atau perawatan di rumah.
Perceraian: Setelah perceraian, orang tua yang bercerai kini dapat kembali ke rumah orang tuanya, sering kali membawa serta anak-anaknya. Ini bisa berupa pengaturan jangka pendek atau jangka panjang, biasanya bergantung pada keuangan, perubahan pekerjaan, pengasuhan anak, dan faktor lainnya.
Benefits of Extended Families
Whatever the reason for forming an extended family, it can be a good arrangement for all family members.

Benefits of an extended family include:

  • Greater security for family members to feel connected
  • Greater financial security with multiple adults working
  • Increased sharing of cultural and family values ​​across generations
  • More role models for younger family members
  • Famous Examples of Extended Families
  • Examples of extended families exist in real life and fictional ones in books, TV, and movies.
  • While the families on the TV show Modern Family don’t all live in one house, they are a great example of a modified extended family because they maintain close relationships while living apart.
  • The TV show Full House featured Danny living with his brother-in-law, his best friend, and their three daughters.
  • Eventually his brother-in-law’s wife moved in with him and they had two children who also lived in the house.
  • Tia dan Tamra adalah saudara kembar yang lahir terpisah namun tinggal bersama ibu Tia dan ayah tiri Tamra, yang tidak tinggal bersama, di acara TV Sister, Sister.
  • Dalam episode Disney Rumah Raven, Raven tinggal bersama kedua anaknya, sahabatnya dan putra sahabatnya..
Ryan Davis

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